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The end of the GT3 class


We (the officials) have to announce that sadly, the GT3 class got to an end. 

After the round at Daytona, which sadly had to be cancelled due to lack of competitors - again. 


Thinking a few weeks back, Brands Hatch, where we had the biggest number of competitors, which were at 10. Eight were participating in GTM, and only 2 in GT3. 


"GTM was always way more popular than GT3, but we really don't know why that is so. The other GT3 series are pretty popular" said Alexander Heinen, the founder of the GGTC.

"We also had a very long discussion going on, either keeping the GT3 series as it is, or trying to make it more attractive. We wanted to raise the overall performance of the GT3 cars up to 750-800hp, but that wasn't a good idea either. We had 16, think og it! SIXTEEN competitors who signed up for the GT3 class, and we only had 2 or maximum 3 competitors showing up on a regular basis. 


We also discussed this problem with the drivers themselves, we had told them about the idea of stopping the GT3s, and the said they would then switch to GTM. (Thank you for the support, even at these hard times we have right now!)"

So witout the GT3 drivers, we could make the GTM class more attractive and hoping for a better result in the number of competitors joining.


We would be ready to homologate even more cars for the GTM class.

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